NEW Monday night Monthly Special Series starting TODAY

June 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

Dear Yoginis,


SSY proudly presents a NEW offering on Monday nights :

Monthly Special Yoga Series @ 6pm

Every month we will be leading a 4-week series with a specific theme. Each class will subsequently build up to the next class, so we can develop a deeper understanding and experience of the vast richness that YOGA has to offer.

This class is best suited for students with at least some yoga experience. There will be different series that will be requiring more or less experience, but all levels are welcome as our teachers will safely modify all postures for a more or less challenging journey.


This June’s Monthly Special Yoga Series Theme will be:


“How to start your own HOME yoga practice” (with Monica)


Did you ever want to practice at home, but just did not know what to do? Ever rolled out your mat at home with the best of intentions and then gave up frustrated because you didn’t feel confident enough to do ANYTHING? Yes, we hear you…but you can change that now! Always wanted to REALLY learn the Sun Salutation?? Now you can…

Feel free to bring paper and pen to write down some keywords in this interactive and fun series

Make a commitment this June to come regularly to our new monday nights Special Yoga Series and change your yoga practice at home forever.


Looking forward to having you in class…


With peace and light,






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